
Chiropractic is a health care profession that focuses on treatment of disorders within the musculoskeletal and nervous systems. Muscular, nervous, and skeletal problems are among the symptoms treated by chiropractic care.

Chiropractors specialize in correcting spinal misalignment. These misalignments of the spine are called subluxations. Often chiropractors manipulate the spine and various parts of the body by hand using specific procedures. Chiropractors also use conventional diagnostic tests such as MRIs, X-Rays, and lab work to provide treatment for their patients. Chiropractic treatment may also include:

  • Electrotherapy
  • Ice/heat therapy
  • Therapeutic exercise
  • Therapeutic ultrasound
  • Lifestyle counseling
  • Massage therapy
  • Nutritional counseling
  • Physical rehabilitation
  • Stress management

History of Chiropractic

Chiropractic dates back to the time of Hippocrates, widely considered the father of western medicine. He believed that misalignment of the spine could lead to many affects on the health of any given individual.

Modern chiropractic began practice in 1895 when Dr. Daniel Palmer adjusted a man who had lost his hearing years prior. When the man's vertebrae was realigned he heard a large pop, and his hearing after the adjustment greatly improved.

Dr. Palmer's theories are still discussed in the chiropractic industry. The medical community may have criticized Palmer's new method for healing the body, but many have followed in Palmer's footsteps and have found an amazing new way to stay healthy and keep their body and health in optimal form. There are now over 20 chiropractic schools in the country with thousands of students learning the amazing techniques of chiropractic care.